Mission and Vision
In Luke 5 Jesus instructs Simon Peter to go deeper into the ocean to cast down a net after Simon having spent all night without catching one fish! Peter did as instructed; the amount of fish that was cast into the net was pulling the boat into the water from how much he caught! When Simon Peter returned to shore, Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people”, some versions say “ I will make you fishers of men”
I begin this way because Jesus mission with His disciples was that He wanted them to be prepared to –Like the net they cast into the ocean that gathered all that fish- gather all the men, as many as they could to follow Christ. To be His disciples. To teach them through the Holy Spirit once Jesus was gone and no longer by their side. So that when Jesus returns, He will be our Judge and sift us all. The good to one side and the bad to the other.
Disciples are not only meant to obey God, they are meant to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ! They are meant to share the one true faith with the world! With the rich, the poor, the young, the old. The sinner. Jesus said He did not come to call the righteous but the sinner. The sick are the ones who need healing. Those that are blind to the truth! And what is truth? As Pontius Pilate once asked Jesus rhetorically. Jesus had already taught that HE alone is the way, the truth, and the life. Everything He taught had intent, had purpose, and served our Father’s masterful plan.
As born again Christians, we have the most zealous desire to share the word of God, the truth! This leads us to want to shout it from the roof tops of anyone wise enough to listen. Jesus in many of His teachings said, whoever has ears to hear let him hear. Listening and understanding play a huge role in how we learn. He said whoever has eyes to see let him see. We learn visually as well. For them at that time, they were able to witness glorious miracles performed by our Lord. One can only imagine what that must have been like. How exciting! Can you imagine how extremely enthusiastic His disciples were at that time to have been able to be next to Him our creator?! They were willing to die for Him after His resurrection. They were willing to go to great lengths to get the word to as many people as they possibly could. Both Jew and Gentile. Many were murdered, persecuted for their faith. As many to this day in certain regions of this world are still being persecuted for believing in Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth. The Christ. This doesn’t stop them. Imagine their level of passion, love and worship to the true God!
While I cannot boast of this kind of faith, I certainly share this passion for spreading the truth and the Gospel of Christ. Salvation alone is through Christ alone. He gave me artistic talents of design, and I want to use my God given abilities and talent to worship Him. For me, its through a clothing line. For others it can be music, for others teaching, building, creating study guides, healing by being a doctor or nurse, so many gifts the Holy Spirit gives us…all to edify the church. We were born for a time such as this my fellow believers.
Poiema of Grace is a brand that I hope can spark conversation or curiosity at least at the most minimal level. My hope is that it helps to bring awareness to Christianity. I pray our Lord use us as a vessel to bring more sinners to Him. So that more people can come to the light and the truth and above all salvation through Jesus. Poiema of Grace is really nothing, just a name, created to represent Him whom we are unworthy of but we try. I want to use my gifts and my talent for Him. My prayer is that we can assist (even though Jesus is God and doesn’t need our assistance really for anything; on the contrary we need Him) but that we may help people to get closer to Him. If we can help win just one soul over to the Kingdom of God, then we’ve succeeded. Profit doesn’t determine our success, although the world convinces you so…. Saving people does.
So that’s it then. What is our mission and vision for the brand – to help gather as many people as possible and bring them to Jesus for salvation. Through the symbol of the cross, through scripture on t-shirts, hats, pants, accessories you name it! We all have to wear clothing either way. Why not wear clothes that represent Jesus? Why wear brands that don’t stand for Christ but instead promote death and everything opposite of Jesus?
In Ephesians 6:10-17, Paul describes the “armor of God” and uses metaphors for what we should “put on”- belts, helmets, shoes of peace, and armor. To fight against the mighty powers in this dark world. Against the evil that goes on before our eyes on a daily basis. This inspires me to continue designing on hoodies and t shirts etc. Even though it was used metaphorically, I quite literally want you to be clothed with the Word of God.
My vision is to see everyone spreading the Good News until the glorious return of our Lord Jesus/Yeshua when every knee (willingly or unwillingly) will bow and every tongue will confess that He alone is Christ and Lord. Amen.
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